
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why MSNBC Should Not Criticize Santorum

     For now. If you have nothing nice to say about Rick Santorum say nothing at all. In other words don't talk about him for the next 5 months. Yes I agree that it's amazing to have a major Republican presidential candidate stating in 2012 that contraception isn't right.

     But that's only one more reason to root for him to win the nomination. Right now we shouldn't be pointing out Santorum's flaws only because there are so many Mitt Romney flaws to point out.

      Where to start? As we saw in the previous post it's "Halftime in America"

     we have a winning slogan for Obama. There is nothing the Republicans are more touch about these days than the auto bailout. It's not just that the bailout was Obama's idea and not theirs. It's that they actively opposed it. And Mitt Romney himself wrote a Wall Street Journal op-ed arguing to "Let Detroit  Fail."

     Now GM is number one auto seller in the world. You think this might complicate Romney's chances in Michigan-his father's old stomping grounds?

    I'm not saying don't criticize Santorum ever, just not now. My point right now is to criticize no one but Romney right now.



  1. The difference between Rmoney and Stantorum: RMoney seems to step on his dick every time he opens his mouth. Santorum doesn't think your supposed to have fun with one.

  2. LOL! Really my premise is that we would want Santorum to win ideally-still a longshot I guess.

    But really there is so much to hit Romney with by now...

    Telling you I would love to be running a campaign against him. For one thing he is in a way the worst possible face for the GOP to put to a public that really has had it with the top 1%.

    He completely lacks empathy and he even wrote an op-ed calling for "letting Detroit fail" That's why they hated the Clint Eastwood comercial so much.

  3. I'd put out ads reading the words from that op-ed and also the footage where he told an Occupy Wall Street protestor that he is trying to divide the country, to pit rich and poor against each other and "America is right and you're wrong."

    You're right about Santorum-he probably thinks it's a sin to enjoy sex at all. He's a throwback to the time children were born in guilt and lack of pleasure.

  4. Santorum is more than a long shot IMHO. I don't think he'd carry his home state after what they experienced with his as their Senator. The suprer PAC's have made the distinct possibility that the primaries will be contested longer than usual, and there is going to be hell to pay at the convention. My money says RMoney, wins at the convention, but not after being beaten to a bloody pulp by the lunatic fringe.

  5. should have read: not BEFORE being beaten to a bloody pulp. Doh!
    (WV: hompho) Santorum?

  6. Yeah my expectation is Romney will win but would love it if he didn't.

    I know Santorum is a horror show-but that's the point of why I would love to see Obama-Santorum in general election though I know it's pretty unlikely.
