
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In Michigan, Mitt Romney, the Son, is Not Also Rising

       This is supposed to be an important state, coming as it does one week before Super Tuesday, but what is clear about Romney's chances in Michigan is this. As I have indicated in previous posts, I think that Romney is a great opponent to have. He has a big old glass jaw, call it a congenital lack of empathy. He doesn't relate or sympathize with the American people.

       This is not only because he is rich-FDR was able to relate to the American people as no President had ever done before-but because he lacks imagination, in a word empathy. He is in no sense a sexy candidate. Obama has him beat on every level, even in signing-actually he has Romney beat in signing by a mile. I just placed an order for Al Green's "Let's Stay Together."

       Romney is not loved by the Republican base either. They don't see any sex appeal either. Whatever you think of Gingrich and Santorum there is something of human interest there, Romney is just tough to relate to, as he is so poor at relating to others, others fail to relate to him.

      His dad was Governor of Michigan, but he is Michigan's least favorite son. The optics of that Clint Eastwood "Halftime in America" was a gift to the Obama campaign. And then Republican talking heads like Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove made it the gift that keeps on giving by forcing ownership on Obama even more closely. Fine you win! Obama did save Detroit. He did ignore the GOP, including Mitt Romney himself with his Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal demanding to "Let Detroit Fail", turning a US auto industry on its last legs into a place of preeminence in the world again. Can you believe that GM was the world leader in sales in 2010? Great call, Willard!

     Again, he demanded to let Detroit fail! He wants to run against the guy who saved Detroit! What do you imagine his chances might be in Michigan? This brings us to the primary on February 28. It will be interesting to see how Santorum plays it. Will he make an issue of this? Maybe not as perhaps this criticism is seen as liberal to the Republican base. On the other hand, what are Super Pacs for if not to secretly put out some ads that a candidate-in this case Santorum-can disavow publicly?

    On the other hand, at the time Romney had said to save the money to bailout Detroit and spend it on alternative energy. That's not a very conservativce position either. Another case of Romney repudiating his past.


  1. He might win the Michigan primary simply because he can spend as much money as necessary in getting his supporters to the polls and advertising.

  2. Yeah that's the only way he ever wins-he's only won a few elections anyway. Spend a lot of money and go real negative.
