
Monday, January 9, 2012

Romney is Smiling Cause He Just Fired Someone

     LOL. In any case he sure has done a lot of it. He also takes credit for creating far more jobs than he has. He claims that when at Bain Capital he actually created 100,000 jobs but this is highly misleading. You have to factor in all the jobs he cut as well and many of these 100,000 are jobs that have been created since he left.

      I once worked at Dominos, can I take credit for their revenue this year? That's kind of the logic Romney's claims. Indeed one of the companies he constulted while at Bains was Dominos.

       "Fehrnstrom says the 100,000 figure stems from the growth in jobs from three companies that Romney helped to start or grow while at Bain Capital: Staples (a gain of 89,000 jobs), The Sports Authority (15,000 jobs), and Domino’s (7,900 jobs)."

       Again, though this takes in context neither job losses or when these jobs were created.

        He also claims Obama lost 1.86 million jobs. Here too his claims are misleading. The job losses come during the first few months after Obama took office-tough to really credit them to him. Since the official end of the Recession in June, 2009 1.2 million jobs have been created. While these haven't been enough to turn around unemployment yet, it shows the unfairness of leaving out context.

        As Krugman points compare to how they spun Bush:

        "During the Bush years there was a constant drumbeat of boasting about all the jobs Bush had created. Created since when? The answer, always, was since June 2003 — the low point of the decade. Implicitly, Bush disavowed responsibility for the first two and a half years of his time in office."

        "One more interesting fact: even if you only count the good times, between June 2003 and the coming of the Great Recession, the economy was creating only 148,000 jobs a month. That seems relevant, since Romney’s economic policy is basically a return to Bushism. Job growth at a similar rate now would bring us back to full employment sometime in the 2020s."

          The important point is that Romney has little to show for in his past that he is a job creator. His policies are just more Bushism which as Krugman shows was weak in job creation indeed. As slow as the recovery has been under Obama it was not better during the "Bush Boom" in terms of jobs created per month. In addition, Romeny wants to cut food stamps. This is truly someone who lacks empathy for those who were not as lucky as he was to be born with a silver spoon in his mouth

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