
Sunday, January 22, 2012

The GOP to America: Take a Shower Dirty Hippies

      You got to give them credit. They aren't hypocritical about it. When Newt was asked about Occupy Wall Street his advice to them was, "Get a job. But first take a shower."

      Romney last week on being questioned by a protester about income inequality told the guy that he is trying to divide America and it won't work as "American is right and you are wrong."

      There is not even a pretense about speaking to the nonrich American. It's blatant, "I'm rich and you aren't and I count and you don't." You would think it's a risky strategy.

      Let me add that I think Newt's victory last night is a great thing. I hope he wins Florida. For me if your a Democrat the wet dream match up is Obama vs Newt. The Republican establishment is now officially apoplectic and rightfully so.

       They are so screwed. They need Romney to win this in the worst way. Not that Romney isn't beatable. He certainly has a big glass jaw. His only answer is to say that it's not fair to hit it.

        I will say this-Newt at least gives a half decent speech. Romney just has this disconnect where he can't even hypothetically imagine what it's like to be a nonrich American, someone who wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never had to worry about money.

       His congenital inability of even the most basic show of empathy makes him a good candidate to run against too.

        If I were running against him my first attack ad would be of that exchange where he tells a distressed American that "you are tyring to divide people, America is right and you are wrong."

       I'd also for some levity have that weird scene of him at the truck stop where he pretended the waitress grabbed his ass.

       If running against Newt the first scene is him telling the dirty hippies to get a job but take a shower first. The second is the video of Marianne Gingrich-maybe a quick voice over and video of Newt's sanctimonious witch hunt against Clinton in the 90s. Just when he was demanding Clinton's impeachment he was telling Marianne that one woman is never enough for him and that Callista makes no demands against him.

        The tea party doesn't like the media's questions? My first question to him would be how many times has he cheated on Callista-we know she lets him do it.


  1. I apologize to point out, that Republicans seek solutions, proven solutions. Democrats are only capable of backing the same old, big government, emotion oriented, free-enterprise despising guaranteed failed society. Look at the whole world. Big government fails every single time. It can not possibly work. Yet, liberals always say it wasn't done right. It can not be done right. Conservative solutions allow individuals to make a path for themselves.
    Liberals don't have solutions.
    Liberal efforts lead to bankruptcy. . . Barack Hussein Obama is doing his best to do so...and you love him.

    What would you say? . . Stop kidding, Obama is ruining the USA

  2. I'd say that you have a partiuclarly acute dose of Obama Derangement Syndrome (OBDS) where everything is his fault. It rained today-must be because of Obama. I'm sure the fact that he's black has nothing to do with it.

    I'm sorry I have a hard time taking comments like yours seriously. If your sincere then you are very ignorant.

    If you can really tell me that nothing we are suffering from right now in the economy has anything to do with market failures, if it's all the government-all Fannie Mae and Barney Frank-then you are simply misguided.

    I mean listen to the bedside manner of people who agree with you. You think you're better than people who have had hard times, who have lost their jobs or homes. There's no such ting as bad fortune in this self righteous world, everything that happens to anyone is through just desserts. It's a very sick attitude and unfortunately it is what the Right wing is all about.
    You talk about them as dirty hippies tell them to take a shower and that they don't deserve anything better in life.

    Please spare me the claptrap about how it's all about merit and everyone who is rich deserves it due to the sweat of his brow. I admit that some do earn their riches and am not opposed to getting rich as such.

    But there's a lot of good and bad luck as well. Part of what a better society should do is insure people a little more against bad luck as FDR did with Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, disability insurance, etc.

  3. So, you're as mindbogglingly misguided as Michelle Obama. I can't paste pics here,

    so look at this link and see how your "dear leader" really thinks.
    'Stealing from the rich to give to the poor." Doesn't lead to prosperity. or recovery.

    Prosperity can't come from stealing rom the Rich, Michelle. Look at her idiocy, HERE
    Maybe, leave a brilliant comment there, since liberals are always so smart, clever worldly.

  4. "Maybe, leave a brilliant comment there, since liberals are always so smart, clever worldly."

    I appreciate the permission seeing at it is my blog.

    Vickus, unfortunately you make my point even in that commment as why I can't take Right wing people like yourelf seriously.

    Your example of a misguided liberal is Michelle Obama. Why are you guys always so obsessed with the President's wife?

    You were obsessed with Hillary Clintion now it's Michelle Obama. You really could leave her out of it.

    That's just dirty pool. You say prospertiy doesn't come from stealing from the rich. How do you know as we haven't tried it.

    What we have had is 20 years of the rich stealing from the poor-and the midle class, everybody else.

    This has left our economy a shattered mess. Now you acutally think the American people are going to have a third George W. Bush presidency?

  5. It is 30 years of stealing from the nonrich in favor of the rich above going back to your sainted Reagan

  6. What do you mean haven't tried it? It is only what Democrats like to do...Steal from the rich to give money to people who don't want to work for it. It's all you know how to do. You've tried it many times, so has every third world authoritarian maniac dictator. Bill Clinton rejected it and is warning against it in interviews.

    You can't "take Right Wing people seriously" because it bristles you and is humiliating that we have solutions and you only have good intentions that fail massively.
    We won't have a third GWB presidency. If we have a 2nd BHO presidency, it's goodnight. GWB wasn't even close to a true conservative.
    If we have another Sainted Reagan, our problems would be over immediately.
    We stage an economic climate where the "non-rich" can best make money for themselves. Also, the rich have a great impact, as they can employ more people and spread prosperity.
    Punishing success can't fuel a recovery.

  7. "You can't "take Right Wing people seriously" because it bristles you and is humiliating that we have solutions and you only have good intentions that fail massively"

    What solutions might those be? I can't think of one thing the GOP House has done since taken office that solves anything. Their solution is to hold their breath till they turn blue and obstruct.

    What I do know is you are a miniorty as 91% of Americans agreed wtih the Presdient in his speech.

    I can't take seriously ideas that are based on invective against the First Lady or other childish sentiments.

    Hating on Michelle Obama is hardly a solution to anything.
