
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

We Love You Angelina Pivarick!

      Those of us that do anyway, and there are many. I have no trouble admitting it, I love the Jersey Shore. As is clear by previous posts I love Survivor too. I-and we-also love Sophie Clarke.

       But while I do and will always love the Jersey Shore I will never forgive them for what they did to Angelina who was my favorite.

        I like the show without apologies, some even think that Italian Americans are unfairly stereotyped but I don't see that-to be sure I'm not Italian, I'm actually mixed race but many have thought I'm either Spanish or Italian.

        What can I tell you if the show stereotypes Italians I guess I like Italians as they're stereotyped. The one negative is that the way the house runs is definitely sexist. You see this in the attitude of Mike, "The Situation", in particular who thinks nothing of protecting his "bros" when they run around on their girlfriends and Ronnie did to Sammie, even though Sammie was a friend of everyone in the house as well, but ratted out Angelina to her boyfriend when she was on the show, and more recently did the same thing to Snookie-unlike Angelina he supposedly likes Snookie.

        The guys seem to think that the man code is always "bros before hos" whereas the girls thought nothing of all ganging up on Angelina. I always liked her feistiness, she had a big personality-and is very attractive too-and this seemed to upset the setup of the house that is like I said kind of misogynistic.

        I hope that we will be hearing more about Angelina in the future. I know she has other fans like myself. She does have a website

       However at present the site needs a lot of work-just not enough content. Of course it's up to her whether she wants to get on a major production again-she did release a few songs, most notably "I'm Hot"-kind of on the nose but true.

      However if she does want to be come back maybe someone can do more work on that website.

      So what is it about Angelina-or Sophie Clarke-that I find so attractive? I guess it goes back to the Zizekean analysis. In my last post about FDR I pointed out that FDR was un-Zizekan in his desire to always provide for the enjoyment of the Big Other which only grew after he became handicapped.

       My thing is I guess I enjoy the enjoyment of my Big Other-who is Zizek's hysterical woman. Basically I enjoy the enjoyment of Sophie Clarke when she got to enjoy the glory of winning. Wit Angelina, she seemed to be the one on Jersey Shore most about desiring her own enjoyment, her own "jouissance."

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