I guess it was clever in terms of getting his GOP House to vote for the bill to ease air traffic furloughs: portraying it as a big win for the GOP in standing firm and making the Democrats "cave."
In advance of Friday’s vote on a bill to ameliorate sequester-induced airport delays, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) sought to sell Republican members on the legislation by describing it as a total surrender by the White House and Democrats.
In advance of Friday’s vote on a bill to ameliorate sequester-induced airport delays, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) sought to sell Republican members on the legislation by describing it as a total surrender by the White House and Democrats.
"It succeeded. The chamber voted 361-41 to pass it, giving the Federal Aviation Administration flexibility to shift resources in order to mitigate airport delays. The bill, having already cleared the Senate, will go to President Obama’s desk for his signature."
"Cantor’s memo Friday morning, passed along to TPM by a leadership source, cited headlines about Democrats “blink[ing]” first in the FAA delays battle and the White House “scrambl[ing] for damage control.” It also quoted a tweet by Roll Call reporter Steven Dennis calling the legislation “a complete, utter cave by Senate Democrats and, if signed, by the White House.”
“This victory is in large part a result of our standing together under the banner of #Obamaflightdelays,” Cantor said.
If it's a victory for the GOP can he tell us with a straight face that it's a victory for the American people? It's nice to know that Cantor's flight won't be delayed. However, what about all the other Americans hurt by the sequester who want get any such exceptions much less a law passed in a matter of hours through both chambers of Congress?
The irony is that while Republicans are making a mountain out of yet another molehill over the supposed ObamaCare exception, this truly is Congress passing especial legislation for themselves and other well-heeled airline passengers.
For more on the trumped up hype over the "ObamaCare Exception" see here
In today's economic numbers we saw 1st quarter come in at 2.5% which while it's good to see it back in the black after a small drop in 4th quarter 2012 is still beneath forecasters predictions.
Yesterday, Bush assured his party that it would exist in the future.
If this is how the party defines victory you have to have doubts.
If this is how the party defines victory you have to have doubts.
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