
Monday, June 24, 2013

In Telemarketing World, The Lord Giveth and He Taketh Away

     The other day, I was sky high, after finally getting the second job I've wanted for the last 10 months. So last week, I got it, and even had my first lead turned over to a $10,000 sale. Life was looking pretty good right about then.

     I had the new home improvement appointment setter job in the morning and the Slomin's appointment setter job in the evening. Right away we saw the 'wealth effect' in action as I was feeling richer and offering to treat my benefactor to Popeye's-rather than the usual where he treats me.

    However, Nanute replied thusly:

    "I'm not expecting any Popeye's from you 'till the you hit the mother lode. lol"

      This turned out to be the right answer. On Friday evening, Matt, my young 20 something boss at Slomins who's been in the position since January called me in the back for a talk Friday night. Right away I knew this wasn't good. I knew I had been in a slump during June. Whereas I usually on a typical week had at least 3 to 4 leads-on a good week often more-after getting 3 leads the first week in June I had only 1 lead a week the last three weeks pushing the all important 'CPL" over 100; this is your calculated 'cost per lead' for the company which they get by the total dollar amount you cost them by the number of leads. If the number is over 100 that's the danger zone. 

      I can count on one hand the number of times I've been in this territory since starting back in September-this was my third time, both other times I came back strong-young Matt was apparently told that he had to cut everyone over 100 right now. 

          I pointed out that while I understand it's a performance based job, what about my cumulative work-if you were to calculate my CPL since last September it was way under 100. It didnt' matter though, he's just following orders. 

          So I'm down to just the one job again. So I again, need a second job... The Lord again Taketh Away. Maybe that's why I'm an atheist. 

          On the other hand, there is another saying about The Lord: He may close one door but He opens another. I do have some good leads for some other telemarketing jobs now. A good friend at Slomins-I'm really going to miss her-gave me some great leads for other appointment setter jobs and the like. Hopefully I'll find something which either goes with the home improvement job or is a full time job that pays more. 

           In any case, at least I got my Diary of a Republican readers. As usual, we are Living in Interesting Times-the Chinese used to wish that on you, the down side was they only wished that on their enemies. 

            Immigration reform seems set to go forward in the Senate 

        The only person with the power to defeat it is John Boehner. I don't think he will as he knows very well that would be a very bad thing for the Republican party as Lindsay Graham warns. 

         He's certainly right that if it fails the GOP gets the blame. My guess that Boehner is pragmatic enough to realize this and will allow it to come up for a vote-no Hastert Rule. 

       We also have more GOPers speaking 'scientifically' about abortion and rape. This time it's a Republican woman which shows that you don't have to be a man to say very dumb things about abortion and rape. 



  1. Man Mike, Im really sorry to hear that.

    This is all so unnecessary. To have people wanting, wishing, almost begging to do anything for 8 hrs a day and a system that decides that a significant portion of them are just gonna have to wait.... it should be criminal.

  2. From your lips to God's ears. Again, though I'm an atheist. LOL
