
Friday, September 30, 2011

Get it Over With Already and Mail in Your Uterus

    Sorry to be blunt but if you are a woman who votes Republican you should just go ahead and do it already. That's what they want. Total disclosure this was Howard Stern's line after women helped some knuckle dragging Rethug get reelected in his district years ago.

   This year alone we had a bill pass in the GOP House that would allow "medical professionals"- note the vagueness of medical professional as opposed to doctor, a designation that could include not just a doctor but a nurse, an administrator or maybe even the hospital janitor or cafeteria lady, technically such people are in some sense "professionals" at a medical facility-to refuse a woman at a hospital an abortion even if needed to save her life. This same medical professional could also refuse to allow her access to another hospital that would perform the abortion.

    We have the other law passed by the House that would redefine rape so that certain types of rape won't be prosecuted as rape, maybe as some lesser charge-like jay walking or illegal fire works use? We have the recent GOP state legislature who had passed a law in the Senate-it has so far been held up in the House-that would drop the period a woman can receive an abortion to 6 weeks-a period before many would even realize they're pregnant.

    Now the House is trying to shake down Planned Parenthood again demanding that they submit records to prove they haven't been using federal funds for abortion and itemizing all the non abortion services they do to make sure they are not in some way complicit with the taint of abortion.

      When you realize that it is Obama alone who stands between these misogynists and total power that you see how irresponsible is the firebagger rap that it makes no difference whether Obama is  reelected or Rick Perry.

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