
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Please Join Me on the Newstand Media Network

     Often a new door is opened when old ones close. Quite unexpectedly I have been offered the opportunity to host a radio show on the NSM. I spoke to Bob Abston of the Progressive Leadership Action Network with whom I share, as do many of you, a commitment to furthering progressive values.  Please see

     The show time will be 1-3 pm Weds 8/2

     ListenLive Link doesn't work yet!

    What's so uncanny is I met him by accident on Twitter. He came to this idea of me being on radio just based upon my twitter time and blog posts!

     What's so uncanny is I have always said, "One day I will have a radio show where I can inform the misinformed."

      I've often been told that I have a great voice for radio and my last boss told me this in a backhanded way when she said I wasn't right for telemarketing her product that I sound like a talk show host!

      Anyway I look forward to joining many of you progressives out there.

      There is much disinformation to correct-Al Franken really got it right the time he described Rush's show as the place where you get punished for knowing things.

       His show is like a test with a steep reverse curve. The less you know the further you go.

        I hope to be a tonic for this with my fellow progs. I want to do what Nietzsche talked about: harm stupidity.

       Please Join me Weds, at 1 pm-3pm. The link will show you how to get the show.The listen live link doesn't work yet as noted above.

       To all my readers and fellow progs I appreciate your efforts and hope you are with me and hop e to hear from you!


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