
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Obama on How to Increase Obamacare's Popularity

     In his recent interview with the NY Times, the President puts it as well as it can be about what will make Obamacare more popular.

     "Here is what will build support, given that we’ve been outspent four to one from the other side with all kinds of distortions about health care. Here is what we’re going to do to beat back that misinformation. On October 1st, people are going to be able to start signing up. And if right now they’re buying insurance on the individual market, they’re going to get on those computers or they’re going to make a phone call to one of these call centers and they’re going to find out that they can save 20 percent, 30 percent, or 50 percent on their premiums. And people who have not been able to get insurance before are going to be able to finally get insurance. And people who lose their jobs in the interim and find out that they’ve got a preexisting condition, it’s hard for them to get insurance or they can’t afford COBRA, they’re going to have a place to go."

     "And over the course of six months to a year, as people sign up, and it works, and lo and behold, the people who already have health insurance are not being impacted at all other than the fact that their insurance is more secure and they are getting free preventive care, and all the nightmare scenarios and the train wrecks and the “sky is falling” predictions that come from the other side do not happen, then health care will become more popular."
     "But until then, when we’re getting outspent four to one and people are just uncertain about what all this means for them, we’re going to continue to have some polls like that. And me just making more speeches explaining it in and of itself won’t do it. The test of this is going to be is it working. And if it works, it will be pretty darn popular."
     This is exactly right. The GOP is up against the clock. Once people start enjoying the benefits this will be over with In 2020 the GOP presidential candidate will probably be attacking his Democratic rival for trying to destroy Obamacare-maybe the Republican will not use the word 'Obamacare' not wanting to give the President credit. Of course, by then with him out of office maybe Republicans won't see him as the root of all evil-after all, they came to be fans of Bill and Hillary Clinton. 
    After all in 2010 they ran under the slogan 'take your government hands off of my Medicare!" Maybe one day they'll declare that Obmacare is killing the ACA. 

     The sad thing is that campaign worked. 

     Many have pointed out that hatred of Obamacare can only last until people begin to the benefits they get. 





  1. How popular do you suppose it will be when people find out that they may be able to sign up for Obamacare, but that won't get them health care?

  2. I think when people who don't have it now have it or other people's premiums go down it will be very popular.

    All these scare stories were around about Medicare in the 60s. Now the GOP pretends it wants to 'save Medicare'it can't even admit it wants to end it.

    Meanwhile we see premiums coming down in places like NY, California and Illinois.
