
Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Day in the Immigration Office in Patchogue

     The title describes my day. I should preface this by explaining that this post is basically the sequel to this one.

     I have to admit, Morgan Warstler looks out for me 

     The wrestling league-I might, possible, hypothetically-buy is out in the Patchogue area as is my good friend Kevin. Today I had to visit the office in Patchogue. Technically this is the one out in Holtsville but I had to take the train to Patchogue. In the post linked above I had said this:

    This is not the first time Morgan has looked out for me-in all seriousness, he was the one who let me know when my Twitter account got hacked and as I recall he told me what I had to do. I can't be sure, but it seems like maybe he likes me and has decided I'm not such a bad guy for a liberal-maybe because he sees I'm certainly no slacker. In reality I'm anything sooner than that. Even back in 2011 when I was unemployed for the last 8 months of the year I'd be writing like 5, 6, or 8 of these blog posts per day. In truth I'm hyper driven-I want nothing short of world domination. You think I'm kidding. It's all about baby steps: you have to walk before you run, and crawl before you can walk.  

      The fact that I was in the wilderness for so long-5 years in my parents' basement!-only makes me so much more hungry and dangerous than I would otherwise have been. Look out world! You're not going to keep me down no more!

      However, now that he hears I'm a lawless immigrant he may not be so fond of me. Ok, I'm an immigrant or was anyway but it's  from England-I came over when I was 3 years old for God's Sake. The kind of immigrants conservatives don't like come from places down south, England is like one of the few places conservatives might approve of immigrants coming from as, to put it in Pat Buchanan's terms: they share our culture. Not only that, but I am actually a U.S. citizen and have been for 14 years. I grew up in this country but didn't get officially naturalized till 2000. 

    However, during Hurricane Sandy I evidently lost both my Naturalization certificate and my passport. For this reason I can't renew my license and get a car yet. Turns out the only way I can get it done is to get a receipt of my applying for a new certificate. I have to fill out a form and mail it-not so bad right? However, there were a couple of numbers on the form that I didn't have-after all, I lost the certificate. The only way I could do this, they told me was to go out to the office-effectively missing a day of work so they could give me a couple of serial numbers there. 

   However, during my long scenic journey I got some time to follow the market. I was able to get something for my $12.50 LOCK puts that expire tomorrow after that had looked hopeless. I didn't come out ahead but I got something  for it and it didn't look so good just yesterday. I really had messed up in not realizing that these puts expire this week. However, once I realized this, I jumped on some more puts that expire on June 21. Lock, of course, is sinking like a stone as the market is realizing that the company has basically been promising something it cant deliver: guaranteeing your private information will be safe.

     My BAC $14 puts that expire May 23-just happens to be my birthday-got some new life after that the picture on this postiion seemed pretty grim after BAC had it's dead cat bounce the last few days. It got under $14,50 today. If it can drop just another $.35 cents what seemed a worthless position could be worth over $2,000 grand. 

    However, the really good news was after the bell closed. JCP had better than expected earnings-admittedly their bar is low and the stock soared to as high as $10 after the bell-from under $8.40 at close. Hopefully I'll be able to get out of this position soon after the opening bell tomorrow-at my desk making telemarketing calls! 

    I should be able to see at least $3,000 if not $4,000 grand-it initially cost me about $1,500. It makes me laugh-I can do all these transactions with thousands of dollars in the balance and no one would have a clue what I was up to to look at me. 

     Anyway, I'll stop for now not because I'm done talking to you but because I'm at the library and it's closing soon.     



1 comment:

  1. I had read the post and found it really informative, well nice one.
