
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Rubio's Team Handicap's Primary Contenders and Guess Who's not on the List

Three guesses. Ok, here's a hint his campaign name has three letters with an exclamation point at the end of it.

One more hint: he really loves his brother and thinks he kept us safe.

Jeb's team had its own leak of their team's thinking to US News.

What's notable is that one metric his team focuses on is the popularity of George W. Bush. This kind of says it all-and shows the uphill climb his campaign will face.

After Jeb's blueprint came out a Rubio Super PAC put out this statement which is also very revealing.

“When you consider all angles, as we do, we believe there are really only four candidates with a reasonable chance of becoming the Republican nominee: Senator Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, Donald Trump, and Senator Ted Cruz,” two strategist for the super PAC, Warren Tompkins and Jon Lerner, wrote in a strategy memo obtained by NBC News. “And when you look on to the general election against Hillary Clinton, we are convinced that Marco gives the GOP its best chance to win. Clinton Machine itself openly acknowledges that Marco is the candidate they most fear.”

Now, look, obviously there's probably an element of trolling Jeb in this and trying to shape perceptions. Whether Jeb is really in mortal trouble or not they hope to drive a narrative that hie is.

But here's what's striking. A Survey Monkey poll came out yesterday that showed the top four candidates in order: Carson and Trump tied at 26, Ted Cruz third at 10%, with Rubio in 4th with 9% and Jeb in fifth with 5%.

In my attempt at a grand unified theory of this year's GOP race I argued that this is three tiered race with outsider candidates: Trump and Carson; insider candidates: Jeb and Rubio; and then there's the wild card candidate: Ted Cruz who sort of straddles both.

This latest poll shows that at this point the outsider candidates are way ahead with 52%, the insider candidates have just 14% between them and then Mr. Wildcard, Cruz, with 10%.

At this point a reasonable assessment is that Jeb! is in big trouble and won't be there for the long hall. This helps Rubio immensely. Based on this current poll this would push him from 9% to 14%. But 14% is still a fraction of what the outsider candidates are getting.

Nate Silver has suggested that Ted Cruz could even end up being the compromise the establishment may have to settle on to keep Trump or Carson away from the brass ring.

But at this point while it would help Rubio a lot to pick up Jeb's support which seems to be dissolving as we speak he would still be way behind the outsider vote.

So how and when would he pick this up? He has t convince all these outsider votes to vote for the establishment's darling instead-who is on record for passing the Gang of Eight Senate immigration bill that he has since totally repudiated.

Can he do it? While you can't say for sure either way, I think it's fair to say that if he can, it won't happen over night. It will be a marathon not a sprint in converting the outsider vote which is currently over half the party voters to insider voters.

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