
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

GOP Establishment Thinks the Unthinkable: Could Trump Win the Nomination?

Every step of the way the GOP establishment and Beltway press has insisted that there's no way Trump could ever win.

He is just the flavor of the month like Herman Cain, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich is. Except that he has turned out to be the flavor of four months in a row and his consistent numbers recall Mitt Romney more than the various flavors for 2012.

"It began as whispers in hushed corners: Could it ever happen? And now, just three months from the Iowa caucuses, members of the Republican establishment are starting to give voice to an increasingly common belief that Donald Trump, once dismissed as joke, a carnival barker, and a circus freak, might very well win the nomination."

“Trump is a serious player for the nomination at this time,” says Ed Rollins, who served as the national campaign director for Reagan’s 1984 reelection and as campaign chairman for Mike Huckabee in 2008."

Rollins is not alone in his views. “Trump has sustained a lead for longer than there are days left” before voting begins in Iowa, says Steve Schmidt, who managed John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “For a long time,” Schmidt says, “you were talking to people in Washington, and there was a belief that there was an expiration date to this, as if there’s some secret group of people who have the ability to control the process.”

"But for Trump, a dip in the polls after the second debate that many predicted was the beginning of the end has arrested; and for nearly four months, he has remained at the top of the polls. Now, long-time GOP strategists who were expecting Trump’s act to wear thin a couple of months ago worry that he can’t be stopped, or at least that he has a significant chance of winning the nomination."

Meanwhile the latest polls again show what they've shown since June-him in the lead with Ben Carson a close second:

"Donald Trump and Ben Carson now stand alone at the top of the Republican field, as Carly Fiorina's brief foray into the top tier of candidates seeking the GOP nomination for president appears to have ended, a new CNN/ORC poll finds."

"Fiorina has lost 11 points in the last month, declining from 15% support and second place to 4% and a tie for seventh place."

"At the same time, Carson has gained eight points and joins Trump as the only two candidates with support above 20%. As in early September before Fiorina's spike in support, Trump and Carson are the first choice candidate of about half of the potential Republican electorate. All told, nearly two-thirds of Republican voters choose Trump or Carson as either their first or second choice for the nomination."

See now Fiorina's numbers are what a flash in the pan looks like. The political scientist John Sides talks about Discovery, Scrutiny, Decline and this is the clear trajectory of Fiorina who sunk like a stone after people began to see what a pathological liar she was and how abysmal her H-P record really was; she also failed to pay campaign staff in 2009 to boot.

 Trump has not followed that trajectory at all. The media has tried repeatedly to knock him down by increasing critical scrutiny to no avail. 

"Overall, Trump's 27% leads the field, followed by Carson at 22%, both head and shoulders above their nearest competition. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are tied for third place with 8% support each, followed by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul each at 5%. Fiorina, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz each have 4% support, while Ohio Gov. John Kasich is at 3%. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum stands at 2% and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham holds 1%."

As for where this goes we've had this talk before. One big hypothesis of mine is that we end up with a brokered convention or something like it as the GOP establishment plays every dirty trick to keep Trump off the ballot.

But what's great about Trump is he seems determined to win or not do everything in his power to bring down Jeb Bush.
If the GOP does nominate Jeb Hillary will get to run against W's third term. Now the GOPers may sneer that they can run against Obama or her husband's third term but the difference is that neither Bill Clinton or President Obama are remembered nearly as negatively as W is. If you want to dispute that how do you explain why Bill campaigns publicly for Hillary and W will never campaign in public for Jeb?
"But the blunt fact of the matter is that Clinton was Secretary of State when Osama Bin Laden was killed, and George Bush was president when Osama Bin Laden killed 3,000 Americans. Is Jeb Bush betting that Clinton is somehow too good to run campaign ads contrasting the picture of her in the situation room while American troops killed Bin Laden with pictures of his brother reading My Pet Goat while 3,000 Americans lost their lives to Bin Laden? She might be. Outside groups that are supporting her might not be. Either way, that’s not a bet I’d take, especially if Republicans keep flinging the word “Benghazi” around to express their belief that Democrats—and women—are incapable of keeping us safe."


  1. I watched clips of Justin Trudeau and Stephen Harper giving interviews in French yesterday... and I thought how it'd be political suicide for a candidate of the know-nothing party to do something similar (now) here in the US!

    Sorry, I'm not sure what it was about your post that brought that to mind.

    1. While it's unrelated to this post I'm glad you mentioned it as I have been thinking about that election and what it's about. Maybe I'll go read Nick Rowe and see if he has any answers.

      My guess is NIck isn't happy-he's kind of conservative.

    2. Worth another look... I checked this morning and he just had another one up playing with the idea of open borders. He's ambivalent on that subject... I think he's a skeptic of a true libertarian (who'd be pure open borders) on that issue. John Cochrane just recently put up a pro-open borders post actually.

      I think you are correct that Nick is conservative, but he also has explicitly stated that he doesn't often bring his politics into posts on Worthwhile Canadian Initiative.

      (BTW, I had my first "fully dressed" potato chips yesterday... supposedly a top seller in Canada. They were OK. Have you ever had poutine?... looks like the kind of heart-attack food I'd like. Other than those and Molson's beer, maple syrup and Montreal bagels I'm at a loss for culinary imports from the great white North. Moose burgers?)

  2. BTW, I think your premise here is perhaps reflected in the slight warming I detect from Erick Erickson... I think the thought that Trump might win has perhaps sunk in with him. He made it clear he would support Trump if he had to.

    Also when he whined about "Why doesn't Jeb just quit??"... well the reason he directed that at Jeb is clear: such whining directed at Trump would have zero affect. This is how I interpreted his whine:

    "Jeb, common man! I thought you were cool. As long as you're in the race, Trump's gonna just keep bringing up 9/11 and Iraq and WMDs... stuff that'll be really embarrassing to have to embrace for all us talking heads on the right when we're forced to support him... so why don't you do the right thing? Take one for the team, and quit? Please!! The longer you're in it, the longer he'll keep on it, and the more chance I'm going to have to address it and say something that I don't want to have to say!... Can't you see I'm being painted into a corner here? Don't you care about us? I'd be so awesome if you just quit.... like right now."

  3. I love that Erick Erickson quote. That deserves a post onto itself! LOL And it's probably true

    1. Wait, that's NOT a quote... that's my interpretation, just so you know.

  4. Ok that's your words not Eircksons.

    1. Yes... I should have made that more clear. I was making fun of him by writing in what I interpret to be his voice.

  5. Look up his post called "What if Jeb were to just walk away?" and see if you agree. Keep in mind Erickson is not exactly a Trump fan.

    1. If I'm at all correct about Erickson's true feelings about Jeb, I'm hoping Jeb does NOT quit for some time... to maximize the fun for me.
