
Friday, April 8, 2016

Is the GOP Headed for a Brokered Convention?

That seems to be the consensus. The pundits seem to have decided that this is more likely than Trump winning. And, of course, it's believed that if Trump isn't a first ballot winner, he isn't going to win at all.

The betting markets now think a brokered convention is the most likely outcome. This is now given an over 63 percent likelihood.

Meanwhile. Trump's chances at the GOP nomination is down to just 50 percent-it was at 44 percent right after the Wisconsin loss after he had been up at 70 percent a few weeks ago.

MSNBC's Steve Kornacke, however, doesn't agree that the BC is the most likely outcome-he thinks Trump gets his 1237.

"I'll change my mind if he underperforms in NY and on 4/26, but right now I still have Trump clearing 1,237 by the end of the primaries."
Speaking of Trump, guess who Giuliani is voting for? You guessed it.

Whatever the odds of a BC, if there is one, Nate Silver believes that the only other candidate with a shot is Ted Cruz. Cruz can win a BC but no one else can.

He argues that a lot of delegates like Cruz and he's already had some success in pilfering Trump's

"Ted Cruz, Not Paul Ryan, Would Probably Win A Contested Convention."

"The ‘establishment’ might not like Cruz, but the delegates likely will."

The Establishment certainly doesn't like Cruz.

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