
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Same old Story From Bernie at SC Town Hall

He was asked about the Democratic economists who say his economic plans don't add up.

His answer was: they work for the Clintons. This is vintage Bernie.

Don't answer a question, simply attack the questioner. You must be a shill or work for Wall St. or you would being Feeling the Bern.

He then-yet again-pivoted to his old standby: every major country except us has single payer so why can't we?

Note though that this is not answering the question, it's basically changing the subject.

Rather than answer the question appeal to your aspirations. Canada and the UK have it so why can't we rather than meeting the criticism head on. It's about the time path dependence of policy.

It's not that Bernie wants universal healthcare and Hillary doesn't. It's about means rather than ends. She wants to build on Obamacare rather than blow it up and start over.

Hillary has now come out for a public option that could be added to ACA.

Ezra Klein did a great job of locating the real problem with Bernie's whole attitude here:

"Why Bernie Sanders's campaign makes me worry about how he’ll manage the White House."

"My worry about Sanders, watching him in this campaign, is that he isn't very interested in learning the weak points in his ideas, that he hasn't surrounded himself with people who police the limits between what they wish were true and what the best evidence says is true, that he doesn't seek out counterarguments to his instincts, that he's attracted to strategies that align with his hopes for American politics rather than what we know about American politics. And these tendencies, if they persist, can turn good values into bad policies and an inspiring candidate into a bad president."

Bottom line, this is not a man cut out to be President. This doesn't make him a terrible guy. Most people aren't cut out for it. But it takes more than not being a bad guy.

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