
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

On Birtherism, Trump is not Exactly Out on a Limb

He got a lot of knocks by the mainstream press-which is basically hypocritical anyway-for letting that birther guy talk at his rally in NH.

Of course, for Trump it would have been a Kamikaze mission for him to have pulled a John McCain-who I urge people not to lionize too much . Yes he took a stand against his own political interests in 2008 but he pandered as much as anyone in the next 4 years as Arizona passed its awful Papers Please anti immigrant law-where the police could stop you if they think you may be an illegal immigrant, the infamous SB 1070.

To repudiate birherism of course would be to more or less end his campaign. The pundits who tell him he should have done so to look more presidential basically want to kill his campaign.

Birtherism is not accidental to his campaign, the birth of Trump as a political candidate was on it. But it's not as if he invented birtherism-54% of Republicans think Obama is a Muslim and only 29% believe he was born in this country.

And it's forgotten that Romney too had his birther moments in 2012.

"In reality, Trump’s most noxious views have not only been defended by conservative stars like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and late summer’s No. 1 best-selling nonfiction author, the radio host Mark Levin, but also by the ostensibly more “mainstream” Republican candidates. Trump is picking up where his vocal fan Sarah Palin left off and is for that reason by far the favored candidate of tea-party Republicans, according to a Labor Day CNN-ORC poll. Take Trump’s peddling of “birtherism,” for instance. It’s been a right-wing cause since well before he took it up; even Mitt Romney dipped into that racist well in 2012. It took a village of birthers to get Republicans to the point where only 29 percent of them now believe that Obama was born in America (and 54 percent identify him as a Muslim), according to an August survey by Public Policy Polling. Far from being a fake Republican, Trump speaks for the party’s overwhelming majority."

This is why Trumpism is the GOP's just deserts. He turns the Southern Strategy on its head which was about making nervous whites voting against their economic interest in favor of their prejudices.

On economic issues Trump is actually kind of liberal. So he's been too blatant about the prejudices and he's not even getting them their regressive economic policies. Truly the worst of all worlds for the GOP.

"Trump does take heretical economic positions for a Republican — “The hedge-fund guys are getting away with murder!” — but on the matters of race, women, and immigration that threaten the GOP’s future viability in nonwhite, non-male America, he is at one with his party’s base. What he does so rudely is call the GOP’s bluff by saying loudly, unambiguously, and repeatedly the ugly things that other Republican politicians try to camouflage in innuendo, focus-group-tested euphemisms, and consultantspeak."

The party is birther. Pundits like Chris Matthews try to obscure this by talking about the nonbirther mainstream of the GOP but the mainstream is birther. This is why Jeb saying that a Muslim can be President kind of doesn't ring true on the reality of the pulse in the Republican party

And then Carly Fiorina subsitittues Ben Carson's religious test for President-no Muslims-with her own-no nonbelievers.

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