
Friday, December 19, 2014

Is it Wrong to Depict Kim Jong-un's Assassination?

      This has been argued, that yes, it was wrong what the hackers-according to the U.S. government, it was North Korea as a nation who did it-did what they did, but really, Sony was wrong to ever shoot this movie in the first place. I mean how would we feel if someone made a movie about killing President Obama?

       I have no doubt that Obama haters in the Republican party probably imagine this all the time anyway. I guess, though this might seem a fair point: why have a movie about killing Kim Jong, I mean that's not very nice is it?

      There are some murky areas here. Like here is a firebagger basically praising the attacks as they brought us some damning information about racism and sexism in Hollywood.

       I find this problematic-while it's disappointing to hear that these bigwigs see Obama as not the President of the United States but just a black guy who only watches black movies and that there is still a considerable gender pay gap, this doesn't make the hack as Ian Goodrum claims 'cool and good' because of the way it was obtained.

      I mean would Goodrum see it as 'cool and good' if U.S. police officers banged down someone's door and caught them doing some bad illegal things without a warrant or a proper legal basis? That he wouldn't shows he's a hypocrite that wants to kind of say nice thinks about Kim-Jong-most firebaggers want to say anything nice they can about Communists.

      Still why make a movie about killing another country's leader? The one thing I pointed out previously, is we tolerate it when it's done to us-and it has been. Recall there was a movie and a book in 2007 about killing George W .Bush.

      It may not be nice but we see it as free speech. Actually, it's even worse than that. Kim Jong simply has no room to complain as he regularly shows propaganda films in his country that show NK  supposedly bombing the White House and of killing the President. He lies to his people telling them they're in constant war with us. So really he's not the one to complain on thematic grounds.

    Then again, there's our belief in artistic expression. The funny thing is when I had seen the previews before all this broke I wasn't that enthused by what I saw. It looked like it could be kind of funny-I didn't realize at the time that they would actually kill Kim Jong. My guess is they would end up not doing it: a few days ago I saw a new snippet where Seth Rogen says 'I kind of like Kim Jong'-that's kind of how I assumed the movie would end up-they would decide to disregard the CIA's demand.

    Still, now that it's been effectively banned I'm quite outraged. I'm now convinced that this movie is very important-that it must be seen. Why is Sony such a bunch of punks? President Obama and his Administration have assured us there is no credible threat. Why not show this movie? Why not at least show it online-I'd pay for it?

   I saw  Rachel Maddow on last night with a cyber expert-he's worked with the government-who seems to think there's nothing the U.S. can do about it. I don't agree: maybe the hacking is one thing, but a threat was made for terrorist acts on U.S. soil. Surely there is something there that can be used? One thing we should do is hack their system.

   UPDATE: I almost forgot. For more on Hollywood cowardice see this post about George Clooney-who tried to do something.



  1. Seth Rogen says 'I kind of like Kim Jong' Safe to say many on the Left like him, he's like their other idols . . . Che, Mao, Vlad. Mass murderers are a big thing for many useful idiots. Have a nice day!

  2. I will have a nice day-because no matter what else happens I can remind myself: I'm not you.

    Seth Rogen never said he liked Kim Jong you genius, his character in the movie. Listening to Rush Limbaugh really does kill your brain cells, I'm convinced of it.
