
Friday, February 22, 2013

Some Sympathy for McCain?!

     Don't get me wrong, I'm with the Rolling Stones: I'd rather sympathize with the Devil. Still...

     Yes, a truly macabre performance over in Arizona on Wednesday where he offered up "straight talk" to the grieving mother of a victim of the Auroa shootings.

     "The mother of a young man killed in the Aurora, Colo. movie theater massacre told TPM on Thursday she was appalled at the way Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) handled her question about an assault weapons ban at a town hall event in Phoenix.
     “I was very surprised that a senator, who has been in office for over 30 years, would address a grieving mother, who just lost her son exactly seven months prior — yesterday was the 20th, I lost my son on 7-20-2012 — to tell me that I needed ‘some straight talk,’” Caren Teves said by phone.
     "At Wednesday’s town hall, Teves told McCain that her son, Alex, was killed in the massacre, and she urged the senator to support a ban on assault weapons. McCain responded: “I can tell you right now you need some straight talk. That assault weapons ban will not pass the Congress of the United States.”
      "The crowd, many of whom appeared to be pro-gun, burst into cheers and applause at McCain’s comments. But Teves said she wasn’t fazed by that, and those cheers, as captured by a local TV news crew, were only part of the story."
     What stands out to me is the contrast between McCain's treatment by the crowd-they cheered, though some claim that the crowd was not as unanimous in its approval as the selective playing of it suggests-and when McCain was booed at a town hall for supporting immigration reform including a path to citizenship. McCain has in fact been all over the map throughout the years om immigration reform. A few years back during the height of the anti immigration groundswell he had demanded that they "build the dang fence."
    At a town meeting on Monday he got jeered by Right wing Arizonans asking "where's the dang fence." So he gets jeered for doing the right thing on immigration reform, and cheered for attacking a woman who lost her son in Auora. In 2008 he got booed for stopping talk on the campaign trail that "Obama's an Arab."
     So there's some rather perverse incentives in being a red state Republican these days. Again, not everyone was pleased by McCain's "straight talk."
     "Teves was accompanied at the town hall event by Patricia Maisch, the woman who helped stop shooter Jared Lee Loughner in the Tucson, Ariz., massacre in January 2011. Maisch also recorded McCain’s comments on video, and later told TPM she was disappointed by the senator’s response. “I always wish there was a more positive outcome after those events,” Maisch said.
      "Teves said her husband recently wrote McCain a letter addressing the Aurora shooting, which took the lives of their son and 11 other people. But she said McCain’s office responded with a impersonal form letter that focused on an an entirely different massacre: the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Conn. Neither McCain nor his staff approached her after the town hall event, she added."
      "“I was surprised at that,” Teves said. “It takes a lot for me to just get out of bed every morning. I mean, this is still so new and so fresh, that my son was murdered. And I just expected a little more respect from someone who’s been in office over 30 years, and his staff. Between that and the form letter that we received, it’s just, it’s appalling.”
      "Caren and Tom Teves, who live in Phoenix, said they have supported McCain in the past, including his last campaign. “I have voted Republican my whole life,” Tom Teves told TPM. “I’ll never vote Republican again — ever.”


  1. Tom Teves: a brand new Republican Hater! ;^)

    I saw both clips, BTW. Chris Matthews did a little best of recently... the booing of the gay soldier when he Skyped in to ask a question during one of the GOP debates, the cheering about "Just let him die" during Ron Paul's answer, etc. One he forgot was the 2008 GOP primary booing when McCain expressed his opposition to torture.

    1. Oh yeah... Matthews did get the applause when Perry was asked about all the executions in his state.

  2. Mike, did you hear the part where McCain said "it's a banana." What was that about? Chris Matthews called it "an old joke." Have you ever heard that before?

    1. McCain will go anywhere for a cheap point. Still when he tries to do the right thing they hate him in Arizona

    2. Agreed, but "old joke?" I've never heard anybody say "it's a banana" before. That just came out of left field for me.
