
Friday, August 31, 2012

Jeb Bush Also Goes Rouge

      Michael Steele made an interesting observation about the speakers of the RNC convention:

      "Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele expressed consternation Friday over self-centered speeches at the Republican National Convention, suggesting that they took attention away from what should be the main attraction: Mitt Romney."

     “One of the distractions, quite frankly, in this whole narrative week was everyone talking about themselves and not Mitt Romney,” said Steele on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “The campaign signing off on this in speeches that had, the first 20 minutes in some cases, and Mitt Romney’s name is not mentioned.”

     "The speeches were “about the individual who is speaking as opposed to coming on the stage and laying down the lead on this man, and why they are standing there fighting and supporting him,” Steele added.

     Read more:

     Of course, there has been a lot of comments about Chris Christy-the flop. However, Axelrod really nails it here:

     "Meanwhile, Obama chief political strategist David Axelrod made a similar point, disparaging the convention as “open-mic night for 2016 candidates,” rather than promoting Romney.

     In a way, each speaker went rouge in their own way. You had Christy-2016. You had Ryan's whoppers. But Condi was probably either 2016 or the Governor of California or in some way hopes to begin some kind of political career.

     Gingirch and his wife, Callista, were more a distraction than anything else with the game of you speak a sentence and then I speak a sentence.

      We need say no more about Uncle Clint's 'conversation."

      However, I haven't heard many talk about it but what about Jeb Bush's speech. It seems that nothing was less helpful for what the Romney campaign were trying to get at than his sudden sympathy tour for his brother-'Stop blaming my bother. Obama needs a spanking.'

      He seems not to get that not many Republicans want to talk about W either, much less to sing his prayers.

      How exactly does Jeb's project to get people to say nice things about his brother advance Romney's cause?

      In a moment of even more levity, Jeb's guest on the stage actually leans Obama:

      "He may have appeared onstage at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night, but teacher Sean Duffy of Austin, Texas, isn’t necessarily voting for GOP nominee Mitt Romney come November."

      “I lean more toward Obama, but I think I’m going to vote for someone who’s going to be a strong supporter of education and education reform,” Duffy, 26, told POLITICO in an interview.

      "Duffy teaches 11th grade English at Del Valle High School near the Texas capital. He’s also, as POLITICO reported yesterday, the co-star of a save-the-date video inspired by Wes Anderson’s “Rushmore” that went viral in 2010."

      "On Thursday night, standing alongside former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Duffy highlighted the importance of technology in education."

      “I went to speak about education, and I’m not really concerned about any of the political issues,” he said Friday.

      "Duffy said he’s heard Obama talk some about education — he cited the president’s desire to make college more affordable, and that he hasn’t “necessarily heard the same” from Romney — but added that he’s still waiting to hear more on the subject from both candidates."

      "He wasn’t, however, impressed with the education portion of Romney’s keynote.

     “I heard him say school choice is important,” Duffy said. “Other than that, I haven’t really heard much.”
If Bush appeared on the ticket, Duffy said, the former governor would probably get his vote. But he doesn’t consider himself a member of either party.

     “I don’t necessarily support Romney, I don’t consider myself a Republican,” Duffy said. “I’m pretty much an independent.”

     "No one asked him about his political views when he was selected to address the convention, he said, adding that Bush’s office contacted him after he hosted a “digital learning day” Webinar at his school. About a week and a half before the convention, Duffy learned that he would be appearing onstage instead of in a video.

     “I thought it was a good night,” he said. “I spoke to a lot of people afterward, delegates from different areas, who were really, really grateful for some focus on education on stage. I had people telling me afterwards, saying they were glad someone was talking about education in front of the GOP.”

     Read more:

     Clearly what Romney means by education reform is vouchers-which amounts to taking money away from public schools.

     So largely, Steele's point is right. Not many seemed interested in Romney's interests above all. It's almost like they all agree with Christy-that he's not going to win.

     In addition, I also think see that Ben Stein sees him as a weak candidate and even Larry Kudlow says he missed the mark in last night's speech.

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