
Monday, August 22, 2011

Obama takes his case right to the American People

       So much of the GOP position is one of shear chutzpah. This great Jewish word-made popular by such notables as Alan Dershowitz-does a great job in summing up their entire attitude, the way they can-as Judge Judy puts it; Dershowitz now Judge Judy seems we keep coming back to legal minds right now...-'pee on your leg then tell you it's raining'.

      GOP chutzpah seems to be boundless, like in the late 90s when they wasted all that pubic money and time investigating Bill Clinton's sex life-while they themselves were anything but 'without sin'. The watershed moment though was when Larry Flynt did the public a huge service and published a tell all book exposing each and every one of Clinton's accusers many sins. Right down the line, Newt, Bob Barr, Henry Hyde, Dick Armey, Tom Delay, Bob Livingston all of them lived in big old glass houses concerning "family values."

     While Flynt is exactly the kind of person this sorry families values conservatives-to use a great coinage of Howard Stern-love to insult and denigrate, a pornographer and "degenerate" with a history of controversy and fights with the religious Right, who they would try to tell you corrupts American society and culture-he called them on their sorry witch hunt and indeed Flynt can justly receive credit for singlehandedly causing the odious Bob Livingston-who took over for Newt after he was forced to step down-to step down the same weekend he took over for Newt. 

     While some questioned Flynt's methods-he made no bones about offering cash payment for information-what we can say is it was his own personal money he spent out of and not our public revenue like the Republicans were raiding millions of dollars; the very same public revenue which they refused to use for welfare, education, health care, and other public needs.

     See GOP chutzpah in action. For more on the unsung and heroic role played by Larry Flynt's role in fighting back against the Lewinsky witch hunt see

     There truly is a lot more to Larry Flynt than meets the eye if you keep an open mind. While those who were elected public servants were derelict in their duty, Larry Flynt even if reviled socially by many, provided a tremendous public service.

     There has been much chutzpah since. The GOP thought nothing of declaring, after stealing the 2000 election declaring in 2001, that liberals should get over "ancient history." Yeah right, so the will of the people was subverted, the statue of limitations on such whining is 6 months. After that just forget it.

     Chutzpah is what enables the Republicans to actually put forward Rick Perry as the solution to the US crisis, which is like letting Bin Laden handle the remodeling efforts of the new World Trade Center. The comparison for Perry is not between Texas jobs created since 2009 vs. national jobs as a whole since then but rather Obama's time since 2009 nationally vs the 8 year record of George W. Bush. Say what you want about jobs created since Obama took office, but his 3 years doesn't look bad next to Bush's eight year record.

     And finally chutzpah finally, is what allows Boehner to continue to as where are the jobs? when he has done nothing about jobs in his entire term as House Speaker. This is what makes you wonder if they aren't trying to tank the economy deliberately wrongly believing that the worse the economy does the better are their election prospects.

     But we see that Obama has a new jobs bill he's proposing and that while Bohner and company are content to use this clever sound bite about where are the jobs Obama is actually providing a meaningful and comprehensive proposal to create more jobs-construction, infrastructure, jobs repairing America's schools(by itself can create up to 500,000 jobs) as well as providing relief for mortgage owners.

     Obama has now done an end run around the do noting House and put his jobs proposal right to the American people emailing it directly.

     A contrast between Obama and GOP chutzpah couldn't be more clear than in his declaration that "action is my duty, reward is not my concern."

     Meanwhile the GOP even fights against an extension of Unemployment Insurance and an extension of the payroll tax. That's chutzpah for you.


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