
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Why are the Bundys Being Treated With Kid's Gloves in Oregon

If you've followed me lately, you know I've been critical of some of the Black Lives Matter activists in terms of tactics and excessive rhetoric. To claim as they do that 'No person of color has every benefited in any way in this country' as some have said is absurd.

I've also been critical of a new seeming hypersensitivity over 'microaggressions' where having a roommate who doesn't agree with you on what happened in Ferguson ins framed in they hyperbolic terms that would make you think someone had a cross burned on their lawn or something.

But I do have to say that it's very interesting how the Bundy's in Oregon are being treated for occupying the federal wildlife preserve building.  It is striking how much less forceful the government is being with them as opposed to the protesters in places like Baltimore.

I saw a guest on CNN tonight-I missed who she was-argue that what is happening in Oregon is totally different than what happened in Baltimore, as the men in Oregon are protesting a verdict they don't agree with!

Uh, that's what happened in Baltimore too. To be sure, there was property being destroyed in Baltimore-people's businesses and homes. Still, what right do the Bundy cultists have to declare they are going to occupy a federal building in perpetuity?

"A peaceful protest Saturday in support of an eastern Oregon ranching family facing jail time for arson was followed shortly afterward by an occupation of a building at a national wildlife refuge."

"Ammon Bundy, the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a standoff with the government over grazing rights, told The Oregonian ( ) he and two of his brothers were among a group of dozens of people occupying the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge."

"Ammon Bundy said the group planned to stay at the refuge indefinitely."

"We're planning on staying here for years, absolutely," Ammon Bundy said. "This is not a decision we've made at the last minute."

"Bundy posted a video on his Facebook page asking for people to come help him. Below the video is this statement: "(asterisk)(asterisk)ALL PATRIOTS ITS TIME TO STAND UP NOT STAND DOWN!!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! COME PREPARED."

Interestingly, even the Hammonds who are going to jail aren't giving any credence to the Bundys. I think the DailyNewsBin gets it right here:

"Let’s call these armed white “protestors” in Oregon what they are: terrorists."

"One hundred and fifty armed men have taken over a federal building in Oregon with the clear intent of forcing a confrontation with the government of the United States. CNN is referring to them as “protestors” while the Associated Press is going even further and referring to them as “peaceful protestors.” Those descriptions are, by any measure, factually incorrect. Protestors don’t show up with guns. What we’re looking at here is the textbook definition of domestic terrorists."

"It’s not beyond precedent for protestors to occupy federal land or a federal structure with the intent of forcing the American government to listen to their grievances. But that all changes when those protestors are armed. By definition, staging such protests with guns in hand means that those participating are threatening to invoke violence against the government if they don’t get their way. If these armed men were Muslim-Americans, the government would have wiped them out before sunrise. But because these domestic terrorists happen to be white, they’re still alive. And that’s a problem for everyone involved."

Very well said. If these 150 white men were 150 Muslim-Americans there would be absolute hysteria now-perhaps there'd literally be martial law. I have to say Bill Palmer is right on the money here:

"If I were in charge, these terrorists would be given one chance to exit the building peacefully, and then I’d have the building blown up just to make sure no one else gets any funny ideas. Fortunately for those inside, President Obama is a more patient man than I am. But even his patience is going to be limited in this instance."

"At a time when the nation is fed up with being taken hostage by civilian gun ownership, at a time when Obama is finally prepared to move forward with long overdue gun control measures, and at a time when the nation is gripped with the fear of terrorism on American soil in general, the President’s patience toward these self aggrandizing buffoons is going to be rather limited. After all, he knows he can’t set a precedent that will allow armed white gun owners to believe they can simply commit acts of terrorism to get their way going forward. These traitors in Oregon would do well to get out of his way, and quickly."

I hope Palmer's right and the President isn't too patient here.


  1. "At a time when the nation is fed up with being taken hostage by civilian gun ownership..."

    My first thought (well, maybe not the very 1st), was that it'd be interesting to walk up to the building as an armed counter protester, and demand my "share" of the use of that building.

    What would be more interesting is about 300 BLM protesters marching up there all armed with assault weapons. It's a pretty fair bet the Bundy kids have racial views akin to their old man's. What could the right-wingers say? "Get those blacks out of there!!! MY GOD, they're ARMED with dangerous weapons!! What's become of OUR COUNTRY??" Haha... perhaps black "Nation of Islam" protesters would be ideal.

    If I was a rich mo-fo, I might even pay for their plane tickets... weapons, ammo, tents, and camping gear. Just to see what happens. Yes, I'd be a pretty irresponsible rich person.

    1. I have the same thought about "open carry" protesters outside mosques... it'd be (a sick kind of) fun to match them 2 for 1 with heavily armed counter protesters... not necessarily Muslims, ... just loud obnoxious assholes. Assholes for hire with guns.

  2. I'd like to try being a rich person. If I'd be rich, I'd lbe a liberal billionaire
